Editorial links are those that a webmaster simply decides to give you because they like your material. Here are some tips to increase the likelihood of obtaining links like these.
Editorial links are what search engines give the highest value as they are considered the most natural links. By the very nature of editorial accumulation you cannot affect the creation of links directly but there are several things you can do to improve the chances of getting editorial links.
Link Bait
Link Baiting is creating something that is actually good and useful so that people will discuss it on forums and social media, share it on social sharing sites and link to it from their websites and blogs. Here's a list of ideas for creating great linkable content. Another good idea is to build a useful tool such as the Link Bait Generator.
Promote your content through social networks, social sharing, press releases, blog commenting etc. The more people who look at your content, the greater the chance of gaining links.
Automatic Link Back
You can encourage linking by including a script or tool that will automatically provide a link back to the linking source such as with trackbacks on blogs. This method borders on 'self created- non-editorial' links.
For your manual link building efforts you should try to make your links appear as though they are natural editorial links. There are a number of factors about the nature of the link and linker (linking source) that indicate whether a link is natural or not.
- Who's providing the link (the linker)- If the linker is a directory website then its likely that the link is not natural.
- Where on the linker's page the link occurs- Links within the main body of content are considered to be more natural than links in the header, footer or sidebars of a webpage.
- The link's anchor text- If all your incoming links have the exact same anchor text this is a hallmark indication of unnatural accumulation.
- When the links occurred- Natural link accumulation tends to be more erratic than constant.